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What is a VAL231 form and why do I need one?


If you're reading this, you're probably familiar with Enterprise Management Incentives (EMIs). But just in case this is all new to you, EMI is a government-backed, tax-friendly share option scheme for UK startups and SMEs.

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EMI deadlines you don't want to miss


Well, you're in good company - over 14,000 UK-based businesses have launched an EMI scheme. An initiative of HMRC, EMI is designed to empower UK businesses, allowing them to offer share options to their employees in the most tax-efficient way possible. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll catch you up.

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How do employee share option schemes work in the UK?


In the UK, more SMEs than ever are implementing Enterprise Management Incentives (EMIs) and other tax-advantaged share and share option schemes.