
April 14, 2023

Blog Email Address Changeover: It’s’s Turn!

As those of you who are readers of blogs already know, we’ve been changing over from our traditional practice of having our blogs come from the email address of one of our editors. We’ve already implemented that for blog – and now it’s our turn.  Beginning on Monday, May 15th, all of our blogs will be sent from

We know that whitelisting is kind of a pain in the neck, so we’ve put together this whitelisting instruction page to help you and your IT department understand what actions you may need to take in order to ensure there’s no disruption in delivery.

There are a couple of things that I also want to mention about this change. First, the name of the author of a blog will always appear in the email, so if you want to respond to the author, you can just click on the author’s name and their email address will pop up. Second,  isn’t a black hole. If you hit reply, your message will go to a folder that I’ll have access to. I’ll check that every few days and forward your email to the appropriate editor. Finally, thanks for your patience and cooperation.

– John Jenkins